I don't know about you all, but lately I have been suffering from crazy baggage taking up residence underneath my eyes. Not a fan. I don't know if it is the delicious, yet salty food from the holidays, lack of sleep trying to get reorganized and back on the productive work track, or lack of hydration; either way it has to stop!
I did some research and found some cool fixes for puffy eyes both short term and long term. Check them out and then let me know which ones have worked for you and which ones have not.
Helping your life will also help with the baggage:
Drink a lot of water! Try to do a minimum of 8-10 glasses a day. By glasses I don't mean little shot glasses but actual 8 oz. or more size glasses. This will help to keep you body hydrated so that it doesn't hold onto all the water thinking that it is dying of thirst. Especially try to stick to this before, after and while having salty food.
Exercise! this helps with circulation and we should be doing this anyway, just to fit into our favorite skinny jeans.
Sleep! Try and get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and elevate your head with an extra pillow so your head isn't perfectly parallel with the floor.
Rest your Eyes! If you, like myself stare at a computer screen for multiple hours a day, then try and rest your eyes for 5-10 minutes for every hour that you are staring into the eyes of your computed.
Don't Rub! Try and keep your hands away from your eyes and certainly don't rub them, your eyes do not like it rough.
Quick Fixes:
Rinse your face with several splashes of cold water- this will help to constrict the blood vessels and reduce swelling.
Switch to an oil-free eye makeup remover.
When you have 10 minutes:
Tea: You can use green or black tea depending on what is in your cabinet. Caffeinated teas help to constrict the blood vessels and reduce swelling, on the other hand herbal teas contain anti-irritants that soothe redness and inflammation. Instructions: steep 2 bags of your chosen tea in hot water for 3-5 mins, let them cool, lie down and then place one bag over each closed eye. Then cover with a soft cloth and rest for 10 minutes.
Cucumbers: Good ol' cucumbers, yes they are not just for decoration when you wear a mask and are in relaxation mode, the enzymes and the astringent properties present in cucumbers help to reduce inflammation. They also help with wrinkles and will brighten the skin (so good for those suffering from baggage and darkness). Instructions: put slices in the fridge for 10 mins to cool them, then place cooled slices on closed eyes for 10 mins. Cool more than just 2 so if the slices become room temperature too quickly just replace them with fresh cool cucumbers.
Spoons: This trick helps to relax blood vessels, offering relief to tired eyes. They will help to shrink eyes to their normal proportions. Instructions: Use teaspoon-sized spoons, place 4-6 spoons in the fridge, so then when your eyes need some deflating, lie down, close eyes and place one spoon (curved side down) on each eye. When warm switch to new cool spoon.
Salt: Instructions: Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt into 1 quart warm water. Dip cotton balls or cotton pads into solution, then lie down and close eyes and apply pads to eyelids, rest for 10 minutes while keeps pads in place.
Eye Creams:
Garnier Nutritioniste Anti-Puff Eye Roller Gel, $12.99

Dior 'Hydra Life' Pro-Youth Sorbet Eye Creme

I am currently using this one and it has definitely helped with the puffiness as well as my dark circle. Even fooling me into thinking I got more sleep than I actually did!
Lancome GENIFIQUE EYE , $65

Check out these other more time consuming remedies: Home Remedies for Puffy Eyes
Have you tried any of these tricks? Which ones have worked for you?
Good Luck with the deflating everyone!

sources: The Beauty Book created by Essential Books
Home Remedies for Puffy EyesHow to Cure Puffy Eyes
How to get Rid of Puffy Eyes
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