My goal has been to create a balance between all of the dreams I am cultivating and having a social life and most importantly getting enough sleep. Most of the time in the past I am able to throw myself into one or two of those things and always having one fall into the background. I have found that if I slow things down and give small amounts of time (except for sleep- need a bit more than small amount of time) to each task/job at hand I am able to get more done. Below I am going to break down how I have broken up all the tasks/jobs I have to normally do or get done and how I can schedule each type of day I could have depending on the type of work I have lined up.
Of course I have a daily planner where I keep track of when I do a blog post and when I work out and jobs I have scheduled. I usually keep a general to do list for each week on that calendar. I now have added a new organization to do list tool and that is the small notebook (photo above). So each day I break down in that notebook what tasks/jobs I have on hand and what things I need to get done in each category. One thing I try to do is, that say I get carried away with a certain task/job and even get ahead in it, but other things on the list fall to the wayside. Instead of stressing, anything I didn't get done will get pushed to the next day that I have time to get it done. I have to teach myself to prioritize and to not stress about not finishing things. There is always tomorrow.
Here are my types of tasks/jobs defined:
Long Workout: 30 minutes or more of working out-- walking or running outside and workout videos
Quick Workout: Short workout video or quick walk or run, 8 minutes - 20 minutes of working out
Blog Work: Editing photos for blog post, writing a blog post, taking photos for blog, researching new post, filming video tutorials, anything to do with the blog basically
Website Work: Updating makeup artistry website, updating photography website, getting photos organized, emailing photographers for photos, updating spreadsheets for makeup and photo business
Art Projects: Any paintings to start or finish, sewing projects, makeup face charts for projects/collaborations, photography pieces to edit
Social Media Posting: Posting to Facebook, Tumblr, Chictopia, Social Bliss, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter for Lipstick & Chiffon, Carolyn Thombs Makeup Artistry & Consulting and Carolyn Thombs Fine Art & Photography
Miscellaneous Tasks To Do: Organizing, cleaning, laundry, finances, paying bills, answering emails, cleaning brushes, organizing kit, appointments and errands
*Now of course these can always change, especially if I ever get caught up on certain things-- i.e. updating my websites-- but then again that is life: ever changing! *
Now here are how my different types of days can be scheduled:
Open Workday Schedule-- usually is a day off, or a day where I don't need to travel- I need to try and do at least 5 of the above tasks/jobs: Long Workout (30mins+), Social Media Posting, Blog Work (30mins+), Website Work (1hr+), Art Projects, or Miscellaneous Tasks to Do
Short Workday Schedule-- normally just a photoshoot in the morning or afternoon (9-1130am or 3-6pm), Wedding early in the day short distance away (9am-1230pm), Dior evening events (4-930pm)-- I need to do at least 3 of the above tasks/jobs: Long Workout (30mins+), Social Media Posting, Blog Work (30mins+), Website Work (1hr+), Art Projects, or Miscellaneous Tasks to Do
Dior Workday Schedule-- normally 12-6pm-- I need to do at least 2 of the above tasks/jobs: Quick Workout (8-20mins), Social Media Posting, Blog Work (30mins+), Website Work (1hr+), orMiscellaneous Tasks to Do
Long Workday Schedule-- normally 9am-8pm- long phtoshoots, weddings farther away, multiple jobs lined up-- I need to do at least 1 of the above tasks/jobs and to sleep as much as I can or unwind when I get home after the job: Social Media Posting, or Miscellaneous Tasks to Do
I have slowly been implementing this type of scheduling into my life and it definitely has made me feel more productive and less stressed! I will keep you updated on how it works in the coming months! I hope all of you freelancers out there trying to find some balance in your scheduling find this helpful- let me know if you do!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving this week!!!
What types of organizational or scheduling techniques work for you?

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